Our ward had a party and Santa was there. I had been trying to get Janalee all excited to see him so I had been talking about it for a few days. They had this scary looking elf there next to Santa so I was afraid that she wouldn't want to go and see him, but she didn't care. She walked over and climbed right up on his lap, it was so cute. Parker was more interested in eating him beard. I wish we could have gotten a picture with all of us looking at the camera, but there were a lot of kids there who were waiting their turn. Next time maybe. We are loving our new camera that grandma got us for Christmas though!!! Now we can take all the pictures we want! Thanks grandma, you are awesome!!
I came home from dropping our packages off at the post office and found Parker like this. When I left both kids were sleeping and Shaun was playing on the computer. When I got home both kids were still sleeping, but Parker was now in Janalee's chair. It was so funny. Shaun even reclined the chair using Mr. Potato head, hahaha. Shaun cracks me up. It was so cute, I just had to take a picture.
Parker is now 6 months old. I can't believe it!! He is 15lbs 12oz and 26in long. He is getting so big!! He is crawling all over the house and pulling himself up on things. He is trying to walk around the furniture, but he isn't steady enough on his feet yet. Janalee likes that he is able to get around, but also doesn't like that he is getting into things now. He is such a quiet baby that sometimes I have to go on a search of the house to find him because he has crawled into a corner to play or is hiding behind furniture. My kids are so much fun, you can't help but love them!!
that is so cute, and i have to laugh at the daddy solution with mr. potato head. dad's are unique, and you gotta love 'em!
One time your mom and I went shopping and left your dad in charge. When we got back he had a rope going from your cradle to the rocking chair so he could keep you and himself happy while everyone napped! Guys are very ingenious when it comes to wathcing babies.
That is too cute! He is doing so much at just 6 months old! I think we need to get one of those chairs for Ryan. Although, he doesn't fall asleep anywhere but his bed. Maybe with this chair, I can get a cute picture like you. :)
Oh my goodness1 How is Parker 6 mos. old?? Seriously! Time is flying! Merry Christmas!
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