April 22, 2009

Great deal

So I have been looking on craigslist.com for some good deals on baby stuff that we need and I found an awesome one. So I am going to brag about it to you all, haha. Well my cousin let me use her baby carrier with Janalee and I fell in love with it, she still is using it right now for her baby and so I wasn't going to get to borrow it this time. While I was looking on craigslist I found one for my very own!! The brand is Baby Bjorn and they are the best baby carriers! Normally they are like 80 bucks and I found this one for 15, only used a few times by the owner. Sweet deal!! Here is a picture of Shaun and Janalee trying it out for me, aren't they cute!!


Marie Says Yes said...

that is way too cute. what a deal!

Papa Bear said...

great pics- she's getting so big