August 17, 2008

Magnet shoes

We have those letter magnets that you put on the fridge and Janalee loves to walk around with them in her mouth and now she found another use for them. She will step on them and they stick to her feet and then when she walks it makes noise. She does it all the time. As always this is dark video. Our other camera that does really good video has a cord that we need to transfer the images to the computer somewhere in a box. So until we get to Michigan and hopefully find that box you will just have to deal with dark video, sorry.

1 comment:

Brooke & Avelyn said...

I love the magnet thing.. that's so funny. Each kid has their own silly little thing they do. Well actually Janalee has a few considering the doggy door as well. She's so funny.. I wish we could see her more often.